The church in Long Beach warmly welcomes you.
"Love one another warmly in brotherly love"
Romans 12:10
"How then shall they call upon Him into whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe into Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one who proclaims Him?"
Romans 10:14
The Mystery of Human Life

Have you ever wondered why you are living in this world and what the purpose of your life is?
"But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things"
Ephesians 4:15
"I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly."
John 10:10

Because the church life is a meeting life, we usually have meetings several times a week. We meet house to house, on campus, in the community, and now even online. We have morning devotional meetings, small group meetings, prayer meetings, Bible reading meetings, campus fellowship meetings, and Lord's Day meetings. To us, meetings are not a drudgery; they are an enjoyment. In the church meetings we are supplied, instructed, strengthened, encouraged, enlightened, inspired, equipped, built up, and commissioned by the Lord.
Our Gatherings
We have meetings on Sunday, prayer meetings on Tuesday, and small group gatherings in homes throughout the week for reading the Bible, singing, and fellowship. We warmly invite you to join us!

We hold the faith which is common to all the believers (Titus 1:4).
Near the end of 1976 a small number of students and young families were led by the Lord to move from various other local churches to Long Beach, California. Their moving to Long Beach was with the expectation that many might be brought into a life-changing relationship with the living person of Jesus Christ and into God's eternal purpose.
"I began meeting with this group of believers in 2007 and here I have found a real home for my Christian life."
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