For Visitors

What to expect on Sundays


Arrival - Welcome!


Look for ushers standing at the entrance, waiting to greet to you. ​

The Lord's Supper


As believers in Christ who love and serve Him, we remember the Lord and enjoy the Lord’s supper.

Worship & Meeting


Come together and begin the meeting with singing and praise. ​



A singing time and age-appropriate lessons are available for kids. Childcare is also available for walking-age.


Weekly Announcments

Here what fresh things the Lord is doing in our community.

Meet & Greet

Enjoy refreshments as we meet new people and catch up with one another.​


Opening word

A brief overview of the topic that the church has been enjoying for the week.

Open sharing

We share with one another what we have enjoyed from God’s Word in an open session of mutual teaching and encouragement.


Meeting close


A concluding word and final announcements